Whooshing Deadlines report view has been designed to support invoicing and work productivity monitoring. To open, click on the Create report button in the top left corner of the Calendar view (image on the right).

1. The span of the displayed jobs can be defined freely. To define the preferred start and end date, click on the calendar icon next to the appropriate box. Selected dates can be in the past or the future.

2. Select the status of jobs you wish to review with radio buttons: completed, in progress, completed and in progress, all non-invoiced, all completed non-invoiced. “All non-invoiced” helps to forecast your upcoming cash flow at a glance, while “all completed non-invoiced” facilitates invoicing. If the generated list does not contain the job you are looking for, check the status selection.

3. Report data can be filtered by customer, language pair and specialization. You can ask Whooshing Deadlines to display all non-invoiced jobs ordered by a specific customer and export the data to Excel or some other tool for invoice compilation. By selecting all jobs delivered and to be delivered to a specific customer in, for example, the past year, you are able to review customer-specific turnover and compare the ‘value’ of different customers to your client base. Selections related to language pairs and specializations allow you to compile lists of completed projects, which may come in handy for competitive biddings and in other situations where translation volume plays a role.

4. The Import header row into report checkbox allows you to determine whether the report you want to print will only display the job row data or also the column headers. In the example table below, the column headers are included but if the checkbox is not checked, jobs are listed immediately below the header.

5. Use these checkboxes to specify which columns are displayed in the Report view and exported to default program or copied to clipboard. When you start Whooshing Deadlines, all columns are selected. If changes are made, the app remembers the previous selections and opens a new report accordingly. The columns to display can be added or removed at any time. To change the order of columns, grab a column header and drag it to the desired location. You may also adjust column width by grabbing the vertical line between columns and dragging it in the desired direction. In Excel, the columns appear in the same order as in the Whooshing Deadlines Report view but all columns are the same width.

6. The Job list is created based on above-described selections and saved job data. With the Report view open, you can change job data in the Calendar view using the job edit window. The changes are updated directly to the Report view. Parts that do not fit on the screen can be viewed by scrolling the bar at the bottom of the page.

7. The total scope of jobs included in the report is shown at the bottom of the Report view in all selected units.

8. Mark all as invoiced button allows you to change the status of all jobs displayed in the report from non-invoiced to invoiced with one click. This feature is especially handy when you use Whooshing Deadlines to compile invoices and invoice multiple jobs from the same customer at a time. Alternatively, you can mark jobs as invoiced or return them back to a non-invoiced state at any time by checking or unchecking that particular job’s Invoiced box.

9. Use the bottom row buttons to copy Report view data to clipboard, save it to a .cvs file or open it with the default spreadsheet (in Windows computers, usually Excel). Job rows cannot be copied by clicking on them in Report view or by using the Ctrl + C command. This button bar is the only means available for exporting them from Whooshing Deadlines. Below is an example of a table exported to Excel.

10. To close the Report view, click on the button in the bottom left. If the window is left open, it closes automatically when Whooshing Deadlines is closed.


Job tracker counts combined with total price data provide valuable information about the profitability of different customers, language pairs and specializations: to calculate your billable hourly earnings, simply divide the total price with actual working hours. The results will reveal what types of jobs and which customers are worth prioritizing!