The User guide articles describe Whooshing Deadlines and its operating principle, functions and settings and provide helpful tips for users.

Once you have downloaded Whooshing Deadlines from the download page and installed it on your computer, opening the app for the first time brings up the view shown below. Unlike the example, the app will be in trial mode and can be activated by purchasing Whooshing Deadlines from our online store and entering the license code in the Setup window.

To get started with Whooshing Deadlines, read the Quick Guide which opens by clicking the Help button in the top right corner of the Calendar view. In addition, all Whooshing Deadlines buttons and most function and input fields feature tooltips which appear when the cursor hovers over the element. This means that the app discreetly guides its user step by step.

Whooshing Deadlines has been designed to promote ease of use and intuitiveness. The only Home view elements which may be less than obvious to the first-time user are the weekly grid to the right of the clock and the yellow figures next to each day of the week. Both relate to altering the available working hours with respect to basic settings: the weekly grid provides a handy tool to add or delete working days displayed on a particular week, while clicking the yellow figure allows you to enter recurring or non-recurring hourly or daily absences. For more information about these features, see Setup window functions and Absences.

To start using Whooshing Deadlines, read the Help section and then click Setup in the upper-right corner of the screen to read instructions related to Setup window functions.