Whooshing Deadlines allows temporary adjustments to your daily or weekly working hours without having to constantly modify default settings in the Setup window. Long or permanent changes, however, are best to be made through the basic settings. There are two ways to flexibly modify your hours: weekly grid (1) and yellow figure (2).

  1. The weekly grid located at the top of the Calendar view, to the right of the clock, allows you to disable or enable entire working days on a week-by-week basis. By default, each week contains either 5 or 7 working days, i.e. Monday-Friday or Monday-Sunday depending on your basic settings. Other, non-working days are highlighted with a background colour and labelled “Not available.” To delete working days or add them to the week displayed in the Calendar view, simply check or uncheck the corresponding box in the weekly grid. Box with a checkmark means that the day is available for working, while an empty box signifies a day off.

If you want to change all the days of the week to working days, select the black checkmark icon next to the ‘Working days this week’ text. The 5-day grid is now replaced with a 7-day grid.

If you want to set all days of the week as non-available, check the red cross icon next to the ‘Working days this week’ text. The entire grid becomes highlighted with a background colour. This is a convenient way to mark whole holiday weeks and other longer absences.

To change a non-available day to a working day, check its box in the weekly grid or click on it in the Calendar view.

You can change the status on individual days of the week after selecting the black checkmark icon or the red cross icon. If, for example, your only working day in a given week is Tuesday, you can first select the red cross icon (sets all days ‘Not available’) and then check Tuesday’s box. Tuesday changes back to a working day while all other days remain non-available.
  1. The Calendar view features a running yellow figure next to each day. Click on it, and the absence entry window appears. In the window, you can create either a full-day absence or a part-day absence and enter a short explanation. For part-day absences, you can set the duration of the absence in half-hour increments. The duration of the absence is then deducted from that day’s working hours.

In addition, you can select whether the absence is a one-off (only today) or a recurring event. If recurring absence is selected, the system saves it as a weekly recurring event until the set end date (end date selection). Both the full-day and the part-day absences can be recurring and cover the next 12 months. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR TECHNICAL REASONS, RECURRING ABSENCES CAN ONLY BE MODIFIED OR DELETED ONE BY ONE. If, for example, you have created a two-hour absence for Wednesdays, but later want to change it to three hours, you need to open the absence separately in each week’s view and make the change. The same applies to deleting absences. Therefore, we recommend using recurring absences with care and creating them only for a few weeks or months at a time.

To modify or delete a part-day absence, click on it in the Calendar view. A new window appears (bottom image). Make the changes and confirm them by clicking on Done or delete the absence by pressing Delete note. If you want to exit the window without making any changes, press Cancel.